Michigan Perioperative Initiative to Reduce Readmissions & ED Visits

Patient education on lower acuity alternatives to the ED
24-hour help line for patients, provided in an easy to access form that can be carried on their person
Establish a standardized protocol for assessing and directing patient calls
Provide patients with a pathway of steps to take should they have an urgent concern
Periodic team review of ED visits
To identify and address the underlying causes of avoidable ED visits, then design and implement site-specific, evidence-based interventions to reduce them.
To maintain two intervention opportunities to reduce avoidable ED visits.
One examines the acceptability and capability of Urgent Care Centers to treat post-operative bariatric patients.
The other developed patient facing tools intended to facilitate early communication between patients and providers.
M-PIRRE Intervention
Patient facing tools to improve communication between patients and providers is currently being implemented at 24 hospitals across the state of Michigan.
This includes patients receiving customized wallet cards and wristbands that contain the necessary site specific instructions and contact information.
We are evaluating its success across 9 sites. These sites have had significantly higher patient communication with their surgical teams and have shown significant reductions in potentially preventable ED visits compared to non-intervention sites.
Our long term plan is to implement this program at all MBSC sites across the state in 2021.